Jack Nozzle
Jack Nozzle
For cylinder conversion systems we assign numbers to the nozzles instead of using the rifle model. This is because the nozzle length can vary between the same gun model when made by different manufacturers. This can be from the manufacturer designing the rifle differently, or from the thickness of the gearbox shell affecting how far from the hop-up chamber the cylinder sits. Therefore one nozzle length may work in different rifle models but not necessarily work in the same model from a different manufacture. For example, a standard MP5 could require any of 4 different nozzle lengths depending on the manufacturer.
Once yu determine what number nozzle your replica requires, that number is universal across all engines that use the numbered nozzle system (excluding some model specific Kythera systems). So, if you determine your replica takes a #11 nozzle, then you will need to install the #11 nozzle for whichever system you are converting your replica with.